Monday, June 23, 2008

I need help knowing exactly what my eating schedule for Davis(11 months) should be. What about bottles. How many at this age. I need to know what your schedules are.

Every book is different so I figured I would ask all of you. Lunch & Dinner options would be great too. Thanks a million!


Brooke and Brett Martin said...'s been 2 years since I've had a baby that age. But if I recall correctly- they are drinking an 8 ounce bottle 3 times a day. Correct?? But there's obviously some give or take on that. But I think that's about when. I do follow the golden rule of throwing away all of my bottles when my kids turn 12 months. The longer you wait, the harder it is to break them away from the bottle. But YOU DO WHAT'S BEST FOR YOU! THERE'S NO WRONG OR RIGHT!
As for meals- they should be eating probably 2 good meals a day right? I better go reread your question. Sorry I'm not much help.

Brooke and Brett Martin said...

I always fed my babies yogurt for their meals when they were young. I'd tear up slices of turkey to give them some more protein too. Bananas are always the best too- David probably loves those. As for dinner- dice some yummy cooked potatoes (or carrots)!! If he has enough teeth, he could probably do some pastas right now too. Honestly, I loved whoopin out a can of veggie soup and heating it up- it's quick and then they also get a variety of veggies they can chow on at that age. GOOD LUCK JENNA!

Camelia Bradshaw said...

One thing that I can not complain about is that my kids are great eaters. They eat anything. And the biggest tip that I got was from Collin's first doctor. Even though he has all these degrees from Stanford and all, he was very very relaxed and old fashioned. He called himself anti-fisher price and anti-Gerber. I tell you why.

He always told me (since collin was about 4 or 5 months old) that I should feed Collin whatever I am eating. If we are having spicy meatball for dinner that is what he should have. Just cut them smaller. He said that is how at the old times they used to feed their kids and they were a lot healthier then. He always reminded me that at old times they did not have Gerber 1st or 2nd or 3rd foods and rice cereal and all.

Even though it took me a while for me to get used to his ideas and I almost changed doctors, I came to the conclusion that he was right to a point. So, whatever we were having for dinner, my kids were having too. I would just make their food cook a little more like the veggies or the pasta. I would have them eat with us at the table. I would let them play with the utensils and that always got them excited about food. It works. My kids eat any veggie you can think of (cauliflowers, broccoli, zucchini, green beans and all) and also all kinds of fruits too.

For fruits like apples and pears that are hard, I would peel them and cut them and cook it with a few tablespoons of water for about 5-10 minutes. The natural sugars come out and it is so yummy and soft. I would make a lot so I could have some too.

Of course you will wait until he is one to introduce nuts and another year for honey.

His doctor also told me not to spend so much money on toys. You will wonder how much they love to play with Tupperware and wooden spoon and how interesting it could be when you have a piece of cloth and pull it through an empty paper towel roll.

Wow, this is the longest comment in the history. I hope it helped a bit. I will post more stuff as I remember. Wow, I do miss Dr. Protter. We had to change when we moved to Concord.

Some other snack ideas,
you can make your own trail mix with cheerios, gold fish (the parmesan kind that does not have food coloring, raisons, chex mix, craisons and whaterve else you like), string cheese, plain yogurt with some jam mixed in, cut up fruits, cut up sliced meat for protein.

cheeriBABY said...

What we do with Bauer and his milk is he gets his 8oz of milk right after each meal. So just 3 times a day. We don't do the milk to help him go to sleep at night or for naps at this point. This helps in the long run when it is time to start potty training. Especially when they start learning to hold it at night and sleep time. If that makes any since. It also helps them have stronger teeth if they aren't falling asleep with their bottle. But really you have to find what works for you and what you are comfortable with.

Also a tip from my doctor: She said while they are learning to do table food they will be picky in their discoveries of what they like and dislike. It is rare that you have a toddler that eats all 3 meals really well. She said you usually get a good breakfast eater or a good dinner eater and so on. Just as long as you are offering them the 3 meals, let them decide if they are hungry at that time.

Dallas and Krista said...

I would give 4 bottles a day. One right in the morning at wake up time, one after his 1st nap, one after his second nap, and one right before bed. I supplement the last one with rice cereal to make it thick and hearty and I use an Avent thick feed nipple for that one. Other than that I just do Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and an afternoon snack. I agree with Camelia- I give my kids whatever I am eating, unless it's something they can't have. Try Organic YoBaby yogurt and whole wheat toast for breakfast, oatmeal, lunch meat and fruit for lunch... you know whatever. And you will be surprised to see how much they can get down with only 2 or 4 little teeth. I would for sure keep up the bottles until a year though, but start practicing with a sippie cup right now- and then just take the bottles away all at once... trust me, in the end it is easier that way!