Thursday, July 3, 2008


This book is a favorite of ours around July 4th. I wanted to pass it along.

Lynne Cheney has loved American history since she was a child and hopes to help today's children love it too. "America's story is a compelling one," she says, "and it helps us understand how fortunate we are to live in freedom."

This book is great for all ages. It goes through the ABC's for the little ones and also more in depth info about the history of America for the older kids.

A is for America, the land that we love. B is for the Birthday of this nation of ours. C is for the Consitution that binds us together.

More in depth: The Constitution has been the framework for our government for more than two hundred years.

This book has brought a lot back to me. There is a lot of facts and different things that I just can't remember from Junior High and High school so it is also great for the mommies.


Brooke and Brett Martin said...

I'm going to add this to my collection. I can hardly wait- what a GREAT way to teach our kids appreciation for out nation at such a young age.

Jenna{Mommy in Manhattan} said...

Thanks Cheer! I will try it!